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God’s Not Dead

I recently saw a movie called “God’s Not Dead.” The movie is about a college freshman that encounters a bullish philosophy professor proclaiming that God is dead. In the classroom, the professor openly taunts anyone who believes in God and forces all the students, who desire a good grade, to submit a written statement declaring that God is dead. The student, timid at first, decides to stand for his Christian faith and challenges the seasoned professor to a debate on the existence of God. Who will win? How will the jury, students of the class, decide on the existence of God?

The movie was actually pretty good. It stars a cast of well-known actors (Kevin Sorbo, Shane Harper, Dean Cain), and has guest appearances by Willie and Korie Robertson (Duck Dynasty) and the Newsboys. There is drama, heartache, and victory by the good guys, all which add up to a successful movie. There is even a concert by the Newsboys, so you get more for your money.

Without spoiling the movie for those who have not seen it yet, I would like to share with you a part of the movie that stuck with me. Towards the end of the debate between the college freshman and the philosophy professor, the professor begins to lose it and breaks down. In his anger and frustration, the professor begins to explain why he believes there is no God. The professor, with tears in his eyes, explains that if there were a God, then his mother, who loved and served God her entire life, and prayed to God for healing, would not have died of cancer. Someone who gave her entire life to serving God’s purpose and praising the name of God through word and action, could not be saved by the very God she worshipped. Therefore, God must be dead!

The college student looks into the tear-filled eyes of the professor and calmly asks, “How can a God who never existed be dead?” Boom! That was it! The professor could not respond. It was like the line in “A Few Good Men,” where Tom Cruise asks Jack Nicholson, “Did you order the code red?” And the response is, “You’re right! I ordered the code red!” Well, without the expletives.

If you want to believe in something, you will come up with a million reasons why. But in the end, your thoughts are just that, your thoughts. In the movie, the professor gave a million scientific reasons why God does not exist, but in the end, his main impetus for atheism was the loss of a loved one. The reason why many people do things is because of emotions rather than reason. This leads me to believe that the heart is stronger than the mind. And the pattern for which people come to God (or move away from God) is by emotions first, and then reasoning.

Don’t we do this in our relationships as well? If we see someone that catches our eye, we start to think, and if we are brave enough, we make a move. If the response is positive, we begin making a list of reasons why this person would be a good mating partner. The heart moved before the mind processed. But while we have our thoughts and feelings, God also has thoughts and feelings.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts; nor are your ways, My ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9 NASB). In fact, God created thoughts and feelings, and God IS love. “But You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in loving-kindness and truth.” (Psalm 86:15 NASB).

God has made Himself known to us (Romans 1:19). We just have to open our eyes and discover the wonderful love of God, even in this sin-filled world. Even a child can see the wondrous works of God’s hands. You don’t need a college education or special training in order to discover God. You simply need to encounter His love in your heart.

I’ve encountered atheists, including some relatives, who share stories of heartache and disappointment with religion from their past. No atheist that I have met cites scientific data as the reason for their atheistic beliefs. Other people have hurt them. They have lost loved ones. They made an emotional decision to go from Adventism to atheism. When you draw close to God, it is because of His love. When you push away from God, it is because of Your anger.

God’s not dead. He’s surely alive!

Pastor Daniel Yim is the English Ministry Pastor at the Napa Korean SDA church.

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